Fantasyland Update: Seven Dwarfs' Mountain (Part 1)
What is the most followed theme park expansion at the moment here in Central Florida? The New Fantasyland, of course! That is why today we have a brand-new photo-report for you, which contains more than 110 pictures for you to enjoy. For this reason, it important to try not to waste any time. Let's start:
The first attraction we visited was Snow White's Seven Dwarfs, since it will be closing at the end of the month:
We will soon upload a complete ride-through of the attraction:

The Seven Dwarfs Mine shop will also be removed soon:
The Fantasy Faire shop is now closed for refurbishment as we reported a few days ago:
Can you see the Next-Gen machine?:
Nope? Well, it was not in the previous photo. Here it is:
Minor work taking place on the facade of the Pinocchio Village Haus:
Let's now move on to the Castle Walls, which are really taking shape:
Starting to look really good:
A view of the new Castle Walls from another angle:
More Castle Walls on the right:
Many more trees have been planted in the area. You can barely see the Beast's Castle now!:
They are doing a marvelous job:
Minor work taking place around the Friar's Nook:
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