Old Town to Receive a New Thrill Ride Soon

Screamscape has posted an interesting news this morning. According to one of their sources, a new thrill ride is coming on the former location of the Pharaoh's Fury thrill ride, which moved out of the park a couple of months ago, as you can see from one of our previous Old Town updates. Take a look at the news about this crazy, new flat ride, from Screamscape, that we thank a lot:

Screamscape sources tell us that Old Town has purchased an ARM Full Tilt flat ride to take the place of the old Pharaoh’s Fury ride. Apparently the Full Tilt line of rides are created by using some of the hardware from old Chance Inverters. I’m not sure I get the name, as the ride doesn’t Tilt at all. Anyway… you can see a video of a Full Filt ride embedded below and decide for yourself.


It looks like we're finally seeing that Old Town going back on track. With this addition, along with all the new things that they are going to install soon, like the new zip-line, rope course, and the rock wall (yes, they've announced all these things for this summer. CLICK HERE if you'd like to know more), we're sure more people, especially locals, will want to check out Old Town once again. 
To retain costumers, of course, they need to add much more than these. They will need to emulate Fun Spot's decisions, and add more rides, at the same time taking very good care of the surrounding environment.


  1. Thsi is the New Thrill Ride??? y only comment is: RONF RONF RONF!!!!!!!! BORING BORING BORING!!!!!!

  2. You can see the ride does tilt. Look at the gondola, it tilts forward and back ever so slightly.

  3. at least Oldtown are doing something to update the park. It was getting very old and stale. Whether this ride is enough to compete with Fun Spot next door remains to be seen...


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